Gut Lovin' Probiotics
For quite a while now, we’ve been learning about the benefits of probiotics, the micro-organisms that call our intestines their home and influence a number of the body’s internal systems ranging from digestive to immune. The majority of up to date data concludes the positive impact on these systems, and by populating our guts with these little guys we help crowd out the nasties – the bad bacteria that can flourish in response to our very stressed and highly-sugared lives.
It is easy to see how this can contribute to poor health!
Probiotic Strains: Did you know?
There are billions of types of strains of bacteria that live in our digestive systems, we are their personal planet and as their planet we want good, intelligent, and helpful citizens to live in it to keep it healthy and thriving. Since stumbling on the amazing benefits of supplementing with these beneficial bacteria, investigation has gone further afield to discover the unique therapeutic values held by individual strains that may be particularly good for certain conditions.
Let’s look at what these individual strains can be good for…
Overall Health & Digestion.
Lactobacillus Acidophilus:
- Helps support nutrient absorption.
- May help with the digestion of dairy and ease associated digestive discomfort.
- Helps re-establish gut flora after antibiotic use.
- Boosts immune system and supports vaginal health.
Travelling, Immunity & Allergy.
Lactobacillus Rhamnosus (Lactobacillus gg):
- Stimulates immune system to fight bacterial infections.
- Lowers allergy response and inflammation.
- May help decrease symptoms of Leaky Gut Syndrome, medically diagnosed Irritable Bowel Syndrome, and constipation.
- Premier probiotic to help reduce the risk of traveller’s diarrhoea.
Lactobacillus paracasei:
- Has been shown that long-term consumption may help improve the health status of children with allergic rhinitis.
- May help to regulate Immunoglobulin E (IgE) and IgG1 mediators, which are antibodies produced by the immune system in response to an allergen.
- May improve individual symptoms such as sneezing, itchy nose and swollen eyes associated with rhinitis or general hayfever and mild sinusitis.
Immunity & Detoxification.
Bifidobacterium longum:
- One of the most common bacteria found in the intestines and helps maintain gut wall integrity.
- Preliminary research indicates that this strain has antioxidant properties.
- Immune health support. B longum has been shown to exert heightened immune responses 20 weeks after discontinuation.
Digestion, Immunity & Inflammation.
Bifidobacterium bifidum:
- Helps to break down complex carbohydrates, fat and protein into small components, thus increasing absorption of vital nutrients.
- Helps prevent the growth of bad bacteria and yeasts.
- Works with L acidophilus to modulate immunological and inflammatory responses.
Infants & Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
Bifidobacterium Infantis:
- Largest population of beneficial bacteria in babies.
- Has been shown to decrease bloating and bowel movement difficulty.
- It has been demonstrated to reduce pain and provide relief from the symptoms of medically diagnosed Irritable Bowel Syndrome.
Digestive balance, IBS, immune & travel.
Saccharomyces boulardii:
- Helps support and maintain digestive health and healthy gut flora.
- Has demonstrated an anti-inflammatory action in the digestive system.
- Has been shown to help activat the immune system and support health health and function.
- Key probiotic for helping to reduce the risk of travellers’ diarrhoea.
- Helps relieve the symptoms of diarrhoea-predominant and mixed medically-diagnosed irritable bowel syndrome.
- Aids in the regulation of bowel movements in diarrhoea-predominant medically-diagnosed irritable bowel syndrome.
Which Probiotic is best for me?
It’s easy to become overwhelmed and confused when deciding if using a certain strain might be more beneficial to you. However, it is important to remember that ALL probiotic strains on the market have been investigated and have demonstrated positive effects on various body systems - primarily digestive and immune systems.
So although individual strains may be geared toward certain pathways and symptoms, the good news is you can’t lose… taking any good bacteria can have remarkable effects on your overall health. If you really would like to know what type of probiotic would be best for you, have a comprehensive stool analysis done, this will help identify which strains of probiotic you need the most.