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Sleep & Stress

Buy Supplements & Vitamins for Stress Online | AusNaturalCare

Stress is a fairly normal part of life. It is our body’s response to changing internal and external conditions and in the short term, this can be a good thing. But it’s when the stress continues the long term, that it can affect our health negatively. Some of the effects of chronic stress include muscle tension, headaches, lack of energy and sometimes digestive problems.

Everybody responds to stress differently and what might be manageable to one, could be excessive stress to another. We can’t always change the external factors that instigate stress, but we can help our body to cope with the changes that the stress causes by way of using natural stress relief supplements! Withania, Rhodiola and Siberian ginseng are commonly used in herbal stress relief supplements, such as the Anxiety Relief. Several studies show the ability of Withania to tone down the stress response and also reduce the negative effects of stress. 

Healthy nutritional levels are important for a healthy stress response and during times of stress our body may need extra B vitamins, so a good B-Complex or multivitamin is advised if dietary needs can’t be met. 

Magnesium Chelate 1000mg 90 tabs

$36.95 $27.95
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Magnesium + 100 tabs

$35.95 $27.95
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Korean Ginseng 500mg Super Strength 50 caps

$29.95 $12.95
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Super C 1000 120 tabs

$43.95 $25.95
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Brain and Memory Boost 60 tabs

$47.95 $26.95
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Super B 50 120 tabs

$47.95 $21.95
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Calcium + Vitamin D3 & K2 60 tabs

$62.95 $34.95
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Peaceful Sleep 60 tabs

$47.95 $21.95
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Anxiety Relief 60 tabs

$62.95 $21.50
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Australian NaturalCare Bladder Confidence 120 tabs

Bladder Confidence 120 tabs

$47.95 $39.95
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