At Australian NaturalCare we’re passionate about the important role essential fatty acids can play in helping to maintain health and well-being, so we stock a wide range of fish oil products and other nutritional oils.
Here are the answers to some of your most commonly asked questions about these valuable supplements. If you’d like more information please email our naturopaths. They’ll be happy to advise you on the products and doses best suited to your individual needs.
What do omega-3s do?
Amongst many others, the health benefits of the omega-3 fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) include:
- Supporting heart and blood vessel health.
- Supporting normal triglyceride levels in healthy individuals.
- Maintaining peripheral circulation.
- Helping to reduce joint inflammation, pain and swelling associated with arthritis.
- Helping to increasing joint mobility in arthritis.
- Maintaining and improving general wellbeing.
Where can I find omega-3s?
Fish are the most important source of omega-3s in the Australian diet, with oily fish such as salmon, mackerel and sardines having particularly high levels. If you’d like to top your omega-3 levels up by taking supplements, consider fish oil, krill oil or salmon oil capsules.
Are there any vegetarian sources of omega-3s?
For vegetarians, flaxseed oil, walnuts and other nuts and seeds are valuable sources of omega-3s. However the omega-3s they contain need to undergo transformation by the body after you consume them in order to be converted to the EPA and DHA found naturally in fish. This process is not considered as efficient as consuming those oils in the pre-formed state in which they’re present in fish oil and krill oil.
How much fish should I eat?
The Heart Foundation recommends daily consumption of approximately 500 mg of the omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA, which is the equivalent of two or three 150g servings of oily fish per week. If you don’t eat this much fish on a regular basis, it is highly recommended that you consider taking omega-3 supplements.
Don’t fish contain mercury?
Unfortunately, fish can be a source of mercury, with some fish being more likely to have high mercury levels than others. Species of fish that should be consumed in only limited quantities include flake (shark), swordfish, marlin, orange roughy (sea perch) and catfish. The oils used in all Australian NaturalCare omega-3 products are carefully checked for mercury and other heavy metals so that you can take our products with confidence.
What’s the difference between fish oil, krill oil and cod liver oil?
Cod liver oil is a naturally rich source of vitamins A and D, but in comparison to fish oil and krill oil, contains relatively little omega-3. Krill are a form of crustacean that contain omega-3s as well as an antioxidant called astaxanthin. Research suggests that the body may more easily absorb omega-3 fats from krill oil than from fish oil. Our krill oil is sustainably sourced from the pristine waters of the Antarctic Ocean.
Do I really need to take the number of capsules it says on the label?
The recommended doses on our omega-3 products have been determined after extensive consideration of the relevant scientific research, and are aimed at ensuring you receive optimal results. To reduce the number of capsules you need to take, we recommend that you choose a concentrated, super-strength fish oil product.