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6th Feb 2020

On the Go Healthy Snacks

Posted by ANCP

One of the greatest enemies to a healthy diet is not the first thing that comes to mind—convenience. When it comes down to the choice between a healthy snack or a high-calorie junk food mistake, though, convenience is often the deciding factor. You’re in your car between work and picking up the kids, and your stomach makes that growly noise right as you pass your favourite burger joint drive-through.

So how does one introduce healthy foods into your routine when the bad choice always has that edge? It’s really not as hard as you think! The key is making the healthy foods convenient. When reaching for an apple is suddenly as easy—or easier—than going through the drive-through, the healthy snacks suddenly get their edge back.

Basic guidelines for a healthy snack are that the food offers a good combination of protein, healthy carbs, and just enough pizzazz to satisfy the emotional hunger. A range of 150 to 200 calories is about the right spot for between meal grazing. The following options offer a great variety.

For foods that need to be chilled—like bananas or apples—grab a mini cooler for your car, add an ice pack, and stow it under the seat for all day fresh fruit.


Our Top 8 Emergency Healthy Snacks:

  • Trail Mix: It’s easy to make your own with your choice of nuts and no-sugar added dried fruit. Freeze-dried fruit is a newer addition to the market that adds a sweet tang without chemicals or sugar. Just be aware that proportions are important here, as nuts are high calorie
  • Apple and Peanut Butter: Keep a mini jar of peanut butter in the car, or, better yet, buy the snack packs that are readily available these days. A plastic spoon that can easily be washed and reused—but won’t be a loss if misplaced—makes a great addition to this kit.
  • Tuna Snack Packs: Snack packs of tuna, with whole wheat crackers and even mayonnaise, are available at just about every supermarket. They’re shelf stable so you can toss one in the car or your office desk for a quick snack.
  • Popcorn with Dried Roasted Chickpeas: Popcorn is surprisingly low calorie when you leave off the butter. Mix some dry roasted chickpeas for flavour and protein, and you have a delicious and filling snack.
  • Nut Butter and Banana Sandwich on Whole Wheat Bread: Make one of these with your favourite nut butter and quarter it for a quick bite while on the go. If you’re in a car, you may want to stow this in your cooler bag.
  • Carrot Sticks and a Wedge of Cheese: Cheese is satisfying in every way, and when paired with the crunch of baby carrots or carrot sticks, it’s a satisfying snack. You can purchase already-portioned rounds of cheese in wax that are easy to take with you, and easy to eat.
  • Snack Bars: Choose high protein snack bars that contain a combination of carbohydrates and protein. A bar with a bit of dark chocolate adds just the right touch of decadence without loading up on too many additional calories. Just make sure you select a bar full of natural, unprocessed organic whole food ingredients, like nuts and berries.
  • Dry Whole-Grain Cereal mixed with Sunflower Seeds: Seeds are high in calories but also high in nutrients and energy. Combine some with your favourite healthy cereal, and you have a snack that can be kept in your car for nibbles.

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