Bee pollen, what’s all the buzz about?
Bee pollen, is an ingredient you can find in most health food stores and sprinkled on top of smoothie bowls as you scroll through social media, but what is it?
Bee pollen is actually a pollen ball, which has been packed by worker honey bees into little edible pellets. It can take a worker bee several hours and days to gather the bee pollen. Bee pollen has a subtle sweet honeycomb flavour and is said to be rich in natural minerals and bursting with health benefits. Bee pollen has been called one of nature’s most potent superfoods; with some people naming it the fountain of youth!
Over the years, the nutritional benefits of bee pollen have been revealed and how it may benefit our long-term health. Bee pollen has a very attractive nutritional profile; it tends to have a nice amino acid profile balance, with high protein content and can be a source of fat soluble vitamins and minerals.
It has been found that when individuals (who also follow a healthy diet and lifestyle) consume bee pollen regularly, it provides a delicious source of antioxidants, encourages glowing skin, may help boost immunity and elevate energy levels as well as helping a general feeling of wellbeing and providing a range of vitamins and minerals.
Thinking of adding bee pollen into your daily routine? With all things new its best to start slow, listen to and feel how your body reacts and go from there. People with known bee, bee products and pollen allergies should completely avoid taking and using bee pollen. For people with no known allergies, start with ¼ - ½ teaspoon of bee pollen and increase to a tablespoon per day.
How to add bee pollen into your health routine:
- Sprinkle over your morning oats
- Add it into smoothies
- Sprinkle over fresh cut fruit and yoghurt
- Enjoy straight
Tips to picking the right bee pollen for you:
- Always pick Australian bee products, the closer to home the better
- Always choose an unprocessed option
- Bee pollen ingredients should be 100% bee pollen (granules) and free from additives
* People with known bee, honey and pollen allergies should avoid bee pollen. Always speak to your health care professional before starting a new health routine.