What is fish oil?
Fish oil is derived from the flesh of cold-water fish, such as salmon, mackerel, herring, sardines, and anchovies, which are good sources of omega-3 fats.
Why do we need fish oil?
Fish oil is an excellent source of the important omega-3 fatty acids eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), which are difficult for humans to make. By taking fish oil, we are getting a ready-made source of these vital fats, essential for maintaining general health and particularly important for the cardiovascular system, brain, and eye health, as well as reducing inflammation in joints.
What makes fish oil supplements popular?
According to the results from the 2011-2012 National Nutrition and Physical Activity Survey, Australians are not meeting the recommended intake for Omega 3 fatty acids. Only 20% of the population meets the recommended intake. In Australia, the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) has nutrient reference values (NRV) which include recommended intakes for nutrients. The NRV for omega-3 is 430mg/day for females and 610mg/day for males.
The vast majority of Australians taking fish oil as supplements were meeting the recommended guidelines for omega-3 intake. Of those not taking fish oil supplements, only 10% were meeting the recommended intakes of omega 3.
How much fish should I eat?
The Heart Foundation recommends daily consumption of approximately 500 mg of the omega-3 fatty acids EPA and DHA, which is the equivalent of two or three 150g servings of oily fish per week. If you don’t eat this many fish on a regular basis, it is highly recommended that you consider taking omega-3 supplements. As mentioned above, many Australians are not consuming this amount of fish from their diet.
Ways to choose a high-quality fish oil
Triglyceride vs Ethyl Ester
Fish oil supplements can come in two main forms, triglyceride form and ethyl ester form.
In fish oil processing and concentration of the EPA and DHA components, the fish oil is often converted to synthetic ethyl esters. Research has shown that the absorption of ethyl esters is not as good as the natural triglyceride form.
Some manufacturers will leave the fish oil in this synthetic ethyl ester form as it is cheaper. However, we use the triglyceride form in our Super Omega EPA/DHA at ANC, which is better absorbed. The triglyceride form is also more stable and less prone to oxidation and rancidity.
Testing for potential oxidation?
When you cut an apple, and the exposed section goes brown, this is oxidation. The fruit starts to oxidise when electrons are lost to another molecule (air in this case) and turn the food brown.
When fish oils are produced, certain markers can test the oxidation or freshness levels. When oils break down and oxidise, they create new byproducts that shouldn’t be in the fresh oil.
Peroxide values are one measure to test rancidity, and the TGA (the agency that regulates supplements in Australia) allows a peroxide level ≤ 10.00 (meq/kg). Whilst at ANC, our Super Omega EPA/DHA has been tested for maximum peroxide levels ≤ 2 (meq/kg).
Anisidine values are also used, and while the TGA limit is ≤ 30, the ANC Super Omega EPA/DHA upper limit is 8.
Do fish oils contain mercury and other pesticides?
The fish oil used in Super Omega EPA/DHA is the VivoMega™* Fish Oil. VivoMega™* has the lowest environmental toxin limits in the world, far below any other industrial standard. Meaning the fish oil produced is of the highest quality and purity, which includes testing for pesticides, dioxins, PCBs, and heavy metals, including lead, mercury, and arsenic. The TGA limits for mercury are ≤ 0.5 ppm, while the VivoMega™* mercury levels are 0.002 ppm.
Are the fish sustainably sourced?
VivoMega™*, which is used in our Super Omega EPA/DHA formula, is a highly potent, sustainable, and traceable non-GMO fish oil. VivoMega™* is certified by Friend of the Sea and Marin Trust, two of the leading organisations for sustainable and responsible fishery management.
Key takeaways
What to look for when buying fish oil supplements:
- Amount of omega 3. A supplement may say on the front that it contains 1,000 mg or 1,500 mg of fish oil per capsule. However, on the back, you’ll read that EPA and DHA are only 320 mg combined. ANC’s Super Omega EPA/DHA is 1000mg of fish oil, with a large component being the combined EPA/DHA of 800mg. Meaning most of the oil in the 1000mg is the good stuff.
- Form of Omega 3. TGor triglycerides are better than synthetic ethyl esters.
- Sustainability. Try and buy oil certified by Friend of the Sea or Marin Trust, two of the leading organisations for sustainable and responsible fishery management, promoting the use of small fish with small lifespans and fewer toxins.
- Freshness. Check that the product is in date and don’t keep and use fish oils that are out of date.
* VivoMega™ is a trademark of GC Rieber VivoMega AS