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21st Jun 2023

What Are The Most Common Vitamin And Nutrient Deficiencies?

Nutrient and vitamin deficiencies are frequently disregarded as potential triggers for more severe health problems, but they are far more prevalent than you might assume. These deficiencies have the ability to disrupt your body's natural balance, affecting various aspects of your well-being, such as gut health, vision, muscles, energy levels and an array of short-term and long-term side effects.

Common nutrient deficiencies occur in vulnerable populations such as infants, children, pregnant women, the elderly and individuals with limited access to nutritious food. Deficiencies can also be widespread among people with restrictive diets, such as those following a plant-based or battling conditions like coeliac disease, which can disrupt their eating habits.

Moreover, it's important to note that different lifestyles may require more of a certain vitamin or nutrient. So, if you're experiencing somewhat inexplainable health issues, it may be time to take a look at your vitamin and nutrient intake.

The most common nutrient deficiencies

Be vigilant for the prevalent nutrient deficiencies listed below, along with their corresponding symptoms:

  • Iron — Iron is essential for haemoglobin production, which facilitates the transportation of oxygen in the blood. Insufficient iron levels result in anaemia, leading to fatigue, persistent shortness of breath and impaired cognitive function. This nutrient deficiency is prevalent among pregnant women, those who follow a plant-based diet and individuals who regularly engage in intense physical activity.
  • Calcium — In the short term, inadequate calcium intake can result in fatigue, insomnia and dizziness. Calcium plays a vital role in maintaining bone health and supporting muscle function, so long-term consequences include an elevated risk of osteoporosis and frequent fractures. This nutrient deficiency is particularly prevalent among older individuals.
  • Iodine — Iodine is essential for synthesising thyroid hormones, which play a crucial role in regulating your metabolism. A lack of iodine in your diet can lead to thyroid dysfunction and goitre, causing symptoms such as weight gain, thinning hair and dry skin. During pregnancy, iodine becomes even more vital as it supports foetal development. Individuals who avoid seafood and iodised salt are particularly at risk of iodine deficiencies.
  • Magnesium — This nutrient is involved in various biochemical reactions in the body and is vital for maintaining healthy muscles, nerves, energy production and promoting strong bones. A magnesium deficiency can lead to frequent muscle cramps, fatigue and abnormal heart rhythms. This deficiency is common in people who suffer from severe and chronic diarrhoea, like those with coeliac disease and short bowel syndrome.

To prevent the occurrence of these prevalent nutrient deficiencies, incorporating natural food sources rich in these essential nutrients is critical. These sources include a variety of nuts and seeds, red meats, poultry, eggs, fish, dairy products, legumes, tofu and leafy greens.

Common vitamin deficiencies

The following are the most common vitamin deficiencies, along with their associated symptoms and causes:

  • Vitamin A — Vitamin A plays a critical role in supporting vision, immune function and cell growth. Insufficient levels of vitamin A can result in night blindness, skin issues, a weak immune system and increased susceptibility to infections. This deficiency is common in individuals who have undergone bariatric surgery or those affected by inflammatory bowel disease.
  • Vitamin B — B complex vitamins are essential for producing red blood cells and maintaining a healthy nervous system. Since these vitamins are primarily found in animal-based foods, vegans and vegetarians and pregnant women are at risk of developing this deficiency. Symptoms include anaemia, fatigue and neurological problems.
  • Vitamin D — Vitamin D is essential for maintaining bone health, supporting immune function and facilitating calcium absorption in the body. This vitamin can also impact your mood. While most individuals obtain sufficient vitamin D through a well-balanced diet and regular exposure to the sun, limited dietary options and a lack of sunlight can result in deficiencies — including a weakened immune system and low moods. 

Eating a well-balanced diet consisting of healthy fats, fruits and vegetables, whole grains, legumes and fish is a surefire way to avoid common vitamin deficiencies.

Increase your nutrient and vitamin intake with the help of Australian NaturalCare

The most common nutrient deficiencies usually result from an inadequate diet and can typically be addressed through simple dietary adjustments. However, consuming a balanced diet isn’t always easy, especially when faced with limited access to high-quality resources or dietary restrictions due to specific requirements or health conditions. What’s more, convincing picky eaters, especially children, to consume nutritious foods can pose many challenges. 

That’s why Australian NaturalCare is here to provide convenient solutions that boost your nutrient intake, so you can live life to the fullest. From vitamin and nutrient supplements to healthy recipes on our blog, we can help you optimise your health and well-being with little tips and tricks that make a world of difference. 

Learn more about ANC products

We prioritise your health and aim to simplify the process of tackling common nutrient and vitamin deficiencies. Our comprehensive product information sheets are readily accessible, enabling you to identify the ideal supplements for your needs. It provides a detailed breakdown of a product's ingredients, potential allergens, benefits and usage instructions.

However, we strongly advise consulting with your doctor to determine which ANC products will best support your health goals, especially if you are pregnant or have other underlying conditions. Your doctor's guidance will ensure you make informed decisions regarding your well-being.

If you’re ready to boost your health, you can explore our extensive e-catalogue to discover our full selection of products and keep up to date with our seasonal promotions! No matter what health or well-being product you require, you’ll enjoy free shipping across Australia when you spend over $59.  

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