Amongst others, the physiological functions Magnesium is involved in include:
- Nerve conduction.
- Muscle activity.
- The production of energy from carbohydrates and fats.
- The production of adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which provides energy for nearly all of the body’s metabolic processes.
- The production and maintenance of healthy bones, including the synthesis of bone matrix, bone mineral metabolism and the maintenance of bone density.
- Maintenance of healthy heart function and normal heart rhythm.
Health Benefits of Magnesium:
Magnesium may help with the following health conditions:
- Muscular problems such as cramps, fibromyalgia and aches and pains, which may sometimes be linked to Magnesium Deficiency.
- Migraines and headaches, including tension headaches.
- Period pain and symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, including mood swings , fluid retention, premenstrual migraines.
- Stress, irritability, insomnia and anxiety.
- Fatigue, which may be a symptom of Magnesium deficiency.
It may also play a role in helping to maintain Cardiovascular Health and Healthy Bone Density.
Magnesium Deficiency:
Symptoms of Magnesium Deficiency include muscle cramps, fatigue, poor concentration, memory problems and mood changes.
Aside from not getting enough Magnesium in your diet, factors that can have a negative impact on your magnesium levels include:
- Stress (especially when prolonged or severe).
- Inadequate sleep.
- Profuse perspiration.
- Excessive consumption of caffeine, salt, soft drinks or alcohol.
- Having heavy menstrual periods.
- Eating a diet that contains large quantities of processed and refined foods.
- The use of some multiple pharmaceutical medications.
- Gastrointestinal disorders such as short-term diarrhoea or vomiting and conditions that affect your absorption of nutrients.
- Getting older.
Dietary Sources of Magnesium:
Magnesium-rich foods include dark green leafy vegetables, legumes, nuts, seeds, whole grains, soybeans and cocoa.
A significant amount of Magnesium may be lost from foods during processing, refining and cooking, so in order to maximise your Magnesium intake, it’s best to avoid refined and processed foods.
How much Magnesium do I need?
The recommended dietary intake (RDI) of magnesium is:
- 400 mg/day for men aged 19-30 years, increasing to 420 mg/day for those aged 31 and above.
- For women aged 19-30 years, the RDI is 310 mg/day, increasing to 320 mg from the age of 31 onwards.
- Depending on their age, the RDI for adult women who are pregnant is 350-360 mg/day.
- The RDI for breastfeeding for those who are breastfeeding is 310-320 mg of magnesium each day.