Much of the fuel your body needs comes in the form of glucose, which is derived from the carbohydrates in your diet. After you eat, glucose is absorbed into your blood and transported to the cells, where the hormone insulin facilitates the body’s ability to use it for energy. Any excess glucose that isn't immediately required is stored in the liver and muscles as glycogen or converted to fat and stored in adipose tissue.
Your body controls the complex processes involved in maintaining your blood sugar levels tightly, because either too much or too little glucose in your blood can have immediate and severe consequences.
Diabetes is characterised by blood sugar levels that are too high and is a serious disorder that requires ongoing management with the aid of a healthcare professional. Less extreme blood sugar imbalances can also impact your health over the longer term. Your blood sugar is affected by many factors, including how recently you've eaten and the types and quantity of food and beverages you consumed.
Maintenance of healthy blood sugar:
The most important nutrient for blood sugar control. Amongst other functions, it is involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates and the transport of glucose into the cells, and also appears to support the actions of insulin and improve the body’s sensitivity to it. Consuming a high sugar diet may increase the body’s excretion of chromium by up to 30 times, potentially creating a deficiency state even when dietary consumption is adequate.
Body levels of chromium may also become depleted during times of stress.
Alpha-lipoic acid
A potent antioxidant that may help to offset some of the free radical damage that is associated with blood sugar imbalances.
The amino acid L-carnitine is required for the metabolism of fats and carbohydrates, and supports insulin secretion, the sensitivity of the tissues to insulin, and the use of glucose by tissues in the peripheral areas of the body. These diet and lifestyle tips are intended for normal healthy people.
If you have a blood sugar disorder such as diabetes do not take supplements or change your diet or exercise routine unless advised to do so and supervised by your healthcare professional. To do so may interfere with your blood sugar management and medication requirements.