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25th Jul 2022

Top 5 Herbs For Indigestion

When you’ve been presented with a banquet of delectable food, it’s easy to eat with your eyes before the signals from your stomach flash the common symptoms of indigestion. Between a heavy cream pasta or a chilli-laden stir-fry, you can enjoy some moments of pleasure before the telltale signs of discomfort and indigestion start to rear their unwelcome head.

Do you sometimes feel like food just sits in your stomach after eating it? Are you struggling with digestion issues? If so, you're not alone. Many people around the world suffer from indigestion regularly. Luckily, there are a number of herbs that can help to reduce inflammation and relieve symptoms.

In this blog, we’ll discuss what indigestion is, its common symptoms, how indigestion can be avoided and the top herbs and indigestion supplements you can take to find some relief.

What is indigestion?

Most of us have experienced indigestion at some point in life and, for some unlucky few, throughout the year. Indigestion, otherwise known as dyspepsia or an upset stomach, is the general term to describe a host of issues with your gastrointestinal system.

Some symptoms of indigestion include:

  • Feeling ‘full’ too early in the meal
  • Uncomfortable ‘full’ feeling
  • Belching and flatulence
  • Regurgitating food
  • Bloating
  • Heartburn
  • Nausea and vomiting

Foods to avoid when experiencing indigestion

Whether you have simply overeaten, consumed something irritating or even eaten too fast, these can cause indigestion to bubble over. While indigestion can subside with time, it can be uncomfortable and painful. When indigestion strikes, these foods can make indigestion worse. Here are some of the most destructive offenders:

  • Spicy foods — Chilli-infused dishes can cause indigestion and heartburn by irritating the stomach lining.
  • Excessively fatty foods — These take longer to digest, which can lead to indigestion.
  • Highly processed foods — Often high in fat and sodium, which can worsen indigestion.
  • Dairy products — Some people can be easily irritated by dairy products like milk, cheese, and cream, which can cause inflammation, bloating and gas.
  • Alcohol — Alcohol can irritate the stomach lining and trigger indigestion.
  • Caffeine — Overconsumption of caffeine through coffees, energy drinks and soft drinks can exacerbate indigestion by wrongly stimulating the digestive system.

So, when you're feeling indigestion, reach for a soothing cup of herbal tea or indigestion supplement instead of a greasy cheeseburger. Your stomach and throat will thank you!

The five best herbs for indigestion

Indigestion can be a problem, but it doesn’t always have to be. Fortunately, there are some natural and wholesome remedies you can enjoy consuming to alleviate gastrointestinal upset. They can be eaten in a salad as part of your regular diet, drunk as a tea, as a liquid tonic indigestion supplement, or in a tablet or capsule form. The top herbs and indigestion supplements we offer include:

1. Chamomile

Fantastic for managing indigestion and aiding healthy sleep, chamomile has long been an elixir for treating a host of digestive issues such as indigestion, colic and constipation. As an anti-inflammatory, it will relieve stomach and throat irritation while settling and calming bloated tummies. Chamomile also has an antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory response that helps manage the burn and irritation from acid reflux and heartburn. One thing to be aware of is it’s necessary to avoid chamomile in early pregnancy, especially as some tea blends contain caffeine and are over-stimulatory.

Whether you prefer to drink it loose-leaf or, for more convenience, in a tea bag like our Planet Organic Chamomile Tea, add some honey for a bit of sweetness and a boost in anti-inflammatory power, and enjoy a wholesome, soothing nighttime beverage.

2. Licorice root

For centuries, licorice root has been used to treat indigestion and other stomach issues. Its active compound, glycyrrhizin, is thought to help reduce inflammation and soothe the digestive tract. In addition, licorice root can help increase the production of mucus, which can help protect the stomach lining from damage. It’s suggested to avoid licorice root in pregnancy due to the stimulative effects of glycyrrhizin — it is thought to impair the development of babies. While there isn’t conclusive evidence, it’s always better to be safer than sorry.

If you like a little zing, a soothing cup of our Planet Organic Energy Tea will help relax you and manage your indigestion issues. Simply boil some water and let the tea bag steep for a few minutes before it calms and soothes your upset stomach.

3. Ginger

In a soup, stir-fry, tea or sucking on some ginger hard lollies, ginger has long been lauded as an anti-inflammatory and indigestion panacea. Like too much bile can inflame the stomach, as can too little. Ginger will help tame and manage your gut health and microbiome, offer beneficial antioxidants for general wellness and help neutralise the discomfort of acid reflux, heartburn and nausea.

If the discomfort of indigestion is regularly becoming unbearable, consider our Kfibre Pro Dietary Indigestion & Bloating supplement that supports digestion and reduces bloating when taken daily. With added pre and probiotics, you can help restore your gut health and make indigestion issues a thing of the past.

4. Fennel

Providing light and zingy anise-like flavour, fennel is a little Mediterranean wonder containing extracts and oils that calm muscles in the stomach and intestines to help relieve gassiness from flatulence belching and bloating. It can be used as a herb, vegetable and spice in salads, stews and soups, making it a fantastic whole food to incorporate into large family meals where it’s easy to anticipate the effects of indigestion.

For many, the anise taste can be a little bold; for that reason, we recommend taking an indigestion supplement like Ora Debloat and Digest+™. It includes a targeted blend of fennel, licorice root and other indigestion-beating ingredients in a small capsule to manage abdominal pain, bloating and discomfort while supporting healthy digestion and regular bowel movements.

5. Peppermint

Soothing and cooling, peppermint has long been a kitchen staple to bring a fresh zing to salads and garnishes. But thanks to its calming properties, it’s used as a natural remedy to relieve indigestion. Research has shown that peppermint has been known to calm the stomach and bowel muscles and encourage the flow of bile, which the body uses to digest fats. Allowing digestive bile to pass also helps alleviate the symptoms of bloating and flatulence caused by indigestion. We don’t recommend using peppermint as an indigestion aid when experiencing heartburn, acid reflux and GERD as it relaxes the esophageal sphincter and can worsen the level of discomfort and effects of regurgitation.

Our ANC Healthy Greens powder is a superior indigestion supplement that combines peppermint with spirulina and other antioxidants and herbal extracts to improve your digestive health and overall wellness. It can be mixed with water or a fruit and veg smoothie for easy consumption.

Our Red Seal Black Adder pack of tea bags also combines peppermint and other indigestion-beating ingredients like licorice root and fennel. Easily sipped at any time of the day, it creates the perfect moment to relax and decompress after a long day at the office — while offering enticing health benefits.

Easily manage indigestion with Australian NaturalCare

If you’re tired of bloating, discomfort and belching after sharing meals with family and friends, Australian NaturalCare has a range of products to help manage and combat indigestion while supporting your overall digestive health.

We carry a diverse range of indigestion supplements and health food products to help you optimise your lifestyle and reduce uncomfortable symptoms that can disrupt your day.

If you’re interested in learning more about indigestion and general wellness, we invite you to browse our blog. If you have any questions about our products, contact our team or naturopaths today — we’re always happy to help.

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